
Method to download wechat chat records from iPhone completely

Wechat is a new and completely free messaging app currently trumping well know competitors whatsapp, viber and line with some of its awesome and unique features. It’s the all-in-one communications app for people to use it conveniently. With wechat, you can chat with your friends instantly via voice messages, texts, or images. You can also create group chats to chat with several friends together. And you can share the moments, photos and games etc with friends freely.

Notes: Wechat ID is your unique name that friends can search to find you. Wechat ID can be changed once only. Wechat name is your primary name shown to other wechat users, and it can be changed as often as you like.

Remember, if you log out and log in with a different device all your messages are gone, only the contacts name come with wechat ID. And if you clear your chat history by accidentally, it’s impossible to recover them from iPhone or iPad directly. The two situations remind us it’s better to download the whole chat records timely in order to avoid losing some important messages, photos or videos with other wrong operation.

iFonebox is the best and functional software could able to download the wechat chat records from device to PC completely, including Contacts, Photos, Call History, Notes, Calendars, Safari and more. In addition, the software could recover deleted/lost data from iTunes/iCloud backup selectively. Today, let’s give you the method to download wechat chat records from iPhone completely.

Click here to get the download link of Windows and Mac.

Method to download wechat chat records from iPhone completely.

· Open iFonebox. Enter “Recover from iOS Device” mode and make sure your iPhone could be detected by iFonebox. Click “Start” button to begin the process.

· Click “WeChat Messages” option to scan and analyze the data from iPhone.

· Select all data or some special chat records to download to PC.

